Featuring Roger Manins (saxophone), Michael Howell (guitar), Mostyn Cole (bass) and Tristan Deck (drums), GRG67 formed in late 2016 to perform a recital as part of Roger Manins's Doctor of Musical Arts requirements. The performance was recorded and released in March 2018 as The Thing, the ensembles debut album for Rattle. The album won a Tui Award for Best Jazz Artist at the 2019 New Zealand Music Awards, and led to the recording of their second masterwork, Happy Place, which was released on June 2020 to critical acclaim.

GRG67 love to record in front of an audience, so over the coming months/years they plan to release concert performances as an ongoing record of their activities that jazz lovers everywhere can enjoy, again and again. The first of these recordings will be available from the GRG67 Bandcamp page shortly.