The Passing of a Black Star

NZ Guitar Quartet


The New Zealand Guitar Quartet’s debut release on Rattle features some of the group’s favourite music.

The album features a colourful and highly appealing range of styles and moods, from arrangements of traditional works such as Bach’s Brandenburg Concerto No.3 and Spanish Rhapsody Op.70 by Isaac Albeniz, to contemporary works by Craig Utting (Onslow Suite, 1993), Bruce Paine (Aotearoa Suite, 2016), and the title track, The Passing of a Black Star by Marian Budos.

Produced by NZGQ
Recorded by Steve Garden
Mixed by by NZGQ with assistance from Steve Garden
Designed by UnkleFranc
Printed by Studio Q

Released: 06 August 2017
Catalogue: RAT-D071