bright tide moving between


2008 BEST CLASSICAL ALBUM (finalist)

For their first album for Rattle, NZTrio keep one foot on the shores of Aotearoa while taking listeners on a journey to the outer-reaches of the Pacific Rim.

The thematic focus of bright tide moving between extends through a richly illustrated package to provide a sensual aural and visual experience, affirming that beauty is very much at home in contemporary classical music. This is an album of great subtlety and nuance. Beautifully played and recorded, it is one of Rattle’s finest.

Bright Sheng — Four Movements for Piano Trio
Ross Edwards — Piano Trio
Toru Takemitsu — Between Tides
Gillian Whitehead — Piano Trio

Justine Cormack (violin)
Ashley Brown (cello)
Sarah Watkins (piano)

Produced by Marc Taddei
Engineered by Steve Garden

Released: 14 April 2008
Catalogue: RAT-D017

The players razzle and dazzle us, caught with the same presence and sheer wallop that the album’s engineer Steve Garden meted out to John Psathas’ music on earlier CDs. Rattle’s evocative recording realises the piece’s inner beauties. Pizzicato notes have a liquid gleam to them, the piano lulls in its ripplings. NZTrio’s 2005 album ‘Spark’ showed us how well New Zealand composers could write for this medium, now their voices have been placed in a world and Pacific context.
— William Dart, NZ Herald