
Chris Mason-Battley Group | John Psathas

The music on Diálogos is a conversation between the precise complexities and dynamics of compositions by John Psathas and the intuitive processes of collective improvisation.

With influences as diverse as new classical, contemporary jazz, world, and drum’n’bass, Diálogos pushes the boundaries of generic idioms. The music has a wide dynamic and emotional range, rich in colour and texture.

“Diálogos is a revelation. I don’t know what the language is that properly describes what the guys are doing, but they’re somehow creating new works. This isn’t ‘arranging’ or ‘adapting’, I feel it’s better described as continuing the composing process.” — John Psathas

Chris Mason-Bettley (sax)
Sam Giles (bass)
David Lines (piano)
Stephen Thomas (drums)

Produced by CMB Group and Steve Garden
Recorded by Steve Garden
Cover photography by Eudald Rota
Design by UnkleFranc
Printing by Studio Q

Released: 01 April 2016
Catalogue: RAT-J-1030